A vampire native of the Philippines, more common in Visayan mythology and folklore, particularly among Hiligaynon speaking groups.
Amalanhig looks almost like a human being except that it has longer upper canines. For Aswangs who were not successful in transferring their monstrosity, they rise from their graves to killing humans by biting their necks hence, becoming into Amalanhig
A good way to escape from an Amalanhig is to run in zigzag direction as an Amalanhig can but only walk in straight direction as their body is stiff. High places out of their reach or climbing of tress as well as lakes and waters are also suggested as Amalanhig are scared of deep bodies of waters. Erm… so Amalanhig is not that scary after all.

It is described as being a tall (7 to 9 ft), brown, hairy male with a beard. Kapres are normally described as smoking a big tobacco pipe, whose strong smell would attract human attention. The term kapre comes from the Arabic "kaffir" meaning a non-believer in Islam. The early Arabs and the Moors used it to refer to the non-Muslim Dravidians who were dark-skinned.
The term was later brought to the Philippines by the Spanish who had previous contact with the Moors. Some historians speculate that the legend was propagated by the Spanish to prevent Filipinos from assisting any escaped African slaves.
The Kapre is a unique Filipino monster because he doesn’t steal fetuses, eat people or cut them up. The Kapre simply enjoys scaring children.
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